Boltz Middle School

Donation Drive - Event Canceled

September 16 - October 16, 2024


This event is no longer active. Please contact your school or submit a support ticket using the "Click For Help" button on the bottom of this page.

Welcome to Boltz Middle School's Donation Drive - Event Canceled page. We are raising money for transportation for a variety of activities for all grades, supporting students who attend Camp Timberline, testing support for students and teachers, teacher appreciation events, and other various ideas the students present to the teachers and leadership.

To complete your registration for this event, please click on "Not Registered For This Event?". If you have already registered, sign in under "Already Registered?". If you are a returning family from a previous event, you will need to register for this event separately.

Leader Board



Nintendo Switch Lite

The Top Earner Overall, WINS a Nintendo Switch Lite -Turquiose!!

Apple Air Pods

10 Requests

Anyone who registers and sends 10 requests will be entered into a Raffle for a chance to WIN Apple Air Pods!

Longboard Skateboard


Anyone who raises over $500 will be entered for a chance to WIN a Longboard Skateboard!!

JBL Speakers


Anyone who raises $100 will be entered into a Raffle for a chance to WIN JBL Speakers!

Lunch for you and a Friend


Anyone who raises $50, will be entered into a Raffle for a chance to WIN Lunch for you and a Friend, bought by the PTO!

Lightup Flying Disc


Anyone who raises over $25 will be entered into a Raffle for a chance to WIN a Lightup Flying Disc!

Donut Party

Top Advisory Class Earner, WINS a Donut Party!!