Beattie Elementary School

'In Our Beattie Era' Walk a thon

September 27


Welcome to Beattie Elementary School's 'In Our Beattie Era' Walk a thon page. We are raising money for teacher and student enrichment and extra materials, school improvement projects, community events, afterschool clubs, our school garden, and so much more! In addition, this year we are partnering with the Boundless Play, Boundless Impact Capital Campaign for a new Adaptable Playground at Beattie! You can come to the next PTO meeting and/or Fun Night for more information concerning the campaign.

To complete your registration for this event, please click on "Not Registered For This Event?". If you have already registered, sign in under "Already Registered?". If you are a returning family from a previous event, you will need to register for this event separately.

Leader Board



Hat Day


Whole School Prize

Whole School Bingo


Whole School Prize

PJ Day


Whole School Prize

Eat in the Garden


Whole School Prize

Pie a Teacher


Whole School Prize

Musical Performance


Whole School Prize

Popcorn and a Movie


Whole School Prize

Skip a lap pass


Class Prize

Water Bottle Sticker


Class Prize

10 minute Class game


Class Prize

Extra Recess


Class Prize

Class Dance Party


Class Prize

Choose your lunch seat


Class Prize

Sit with a friend all day


Class Prize

Water Blaster, Trophy, and Medal

1st place class

Water Blaster

2nd place class

Pop it Key Chain (1)

Individual prize: Level 1: Any donation

Mochi Squishy (1 random)


Individual Prize Level 2

Galaxy Slime (1 random)


Individual Prize Level 3

Fidget Spinners (1 random)


Individual Prize Level 4

Bobcat Pride Bracelet


Individual Prize Level 5

Bendy Pencils (1 random)


Individual Prize Level 6

Stress Ball (1 random)


Individual Prize Level 7

Tickets--more info to come


Individual Prize Level 8